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And it begins…

Apr 17, 2019

1 min read




I had not first chemo treatment, for the recurrence of cancer.

I went well. The chemo is going through a chest mediport, like a catheter.

I was so impressed that my treatment was in my own private room. No more being in a room full of a good 5 to 7 patients. No more being in a room where the nurses are sitting at their office spaces typing away and coming in and out. All of which was how it went down over at the veterans hospital. And please know I am so grateful for all the VA does for veterans. It’s far from perfect, but it is way better than it used to be. ✌🏾

Without a doubt, this time is so very different. And so far it’s a good difference. Which considering I’m going through cancer, again, that’s a good thing. And I do give all glory to God for that. ❤

Anyway, I wanted to share that as some of you keep up with what’s going on with my health. 😊

Whoever you are and wherever you are, hope you’re doing well.

#glorytoGod #health #impressive #different #chest #mediport #perfect #chemotherapy #veteranshospital #recurrence #begins #nurses #catheter #cancer #officespaces #better #patients #grateful

Apr 17, 2019

1 min read





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