Ok. I’ve been so busy with settling being back home that I have not done well with blogging. When I say not doing well, I mean…not blogging at all. With the exception of when I was in Hawaii.
Things have just been go go go.
I’m now living in my own apartment. Happy to have a place where with my cats. They are still adjusting to the move. Cats don’t care for change. But three days in and they are doing alright. So is their mommy. 😉
I will TRY to blog more. Especially now that I have my own space and am not jetting off here or there. Well, with the exception of upcoming road trip to San Antonio and Houston. I need to see family and friends.
I’ve made a challenge to myself to also continue with my next book(s). I have so much to write about, but I’ve only made excuses for not being active with that. I can’t call it lazy either. I think I’ve purposely not
written. Just can’t pinpoint why. Perhaps I’ll figure it out make it one of my blogs.
Untl my next blog hope whoever you are, wherever you are, that you are happy and healthy. God bless.
This is a pic of my cats loving on their momma, in our new place. 😍

#challenge #lazy #myself #Hawaii #gogogo #beenawhile #Godbless #settling #apartment #procrastinating #roadtripping #blog #happy #healthy #books #cats #busy #wherever #whoever #write