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Dec 15, 2018

2 min read




December 15th, 2011l:

The day I went into surgery. The surgery that would determine if I had cancer. The surgery that would end up removing 8 liters of fluid from my abdomen. The surgery that did in fact find late stage ovarian cancer.

December 15th, 2011:

The day cancer was found and removed. The day my life was forever changed.

December 15th, 2018:

The day I celebrate my 7 years cancerfreeversary!

It’s not been an easy journey. There have been so many ups and downs. Mostly physically. Chemotherapy has horrible after shocks, if you will. But there have been emotional ups and downs too. Things I never really share. There have been times I’ve cried for no reason, while spreading ovarian cancer awareness. I know there was a reason actually. I think it was a little PTSD. Reliving the experience or just decorating the place I worked at TEAL, had me excited to be playing my part, but something deep inside hit me too. And that made me cry.

I’ve always been quite emotional. But post cancer, even if some never see it, has me even more emotional. You’d think with the fact that all my baby making parts are gone I’d not be that way. At least I thought that. 😜 But I am. Oh I’m not fragile. No need to handle with care. For this all has made me stronger. Thanks be to God.

Also, or rather, in addition to being more emotional, I’m also more grateful. More than I ever was prior to December 15th, 2011. Grateful for everything. The sun. The moon. The cold mornings. The warm afternoons. The chilly nights. The changing of the seasons. The days, the weeks, the months, and the years that I’ve gotten to still be here. For my family. Even those I’m not close with. I have comfort in knowing they are doing well. For my friends and the love and support they’ve given me through these seven years. For my adorable cats, that I feel strongly were hand picked by God. 😻😻

For life. I’m grateful for life. Despite the hardships in it. Despite the place our nation, our world is in right now. I have continued to be a part of it. Life.

Seven years later. I’m still here. Joyously here. ❤

While we have no guarantees of tomorrow, I’m going to be thankful for today.

Today: My seven year cancerfreeversary!

Happy Saturday y’all.

#physically #glorytoGod #support #years #cancersurvivor #nights #moon #weeks #sevenyears #upsanddowns #happySaturday #sun #PTSD #chemotherapy #strong #mornings #prayers #awareness #here #aftershocks #cancer #friends #love #life #God #ovariancancer #thankful #notfragile #afternoons #noguarantees #family #emotional #latestage #months #surgery #hardships #college #adorablecats #days #cry #grateful #seasons #joyously

Dec 15, 2018

2 min read





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