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Cheers to Thirteen Years!

Dec 22, 2024

3 min read




Love for Life!

In honor of celebrating thirteen years since first diagnosed with late-stage cancer I wrote a poem. Poetry is one of my loves and though I have not written too many over the years when I do write it comes from a place deep in my heart that comes out and does its best to express how I am feeling.

I hope you enjoy it. 🩵❤️🫶🏽

Cheers to Thirteen Years!

Sometimes I close my eyes

And try to imagine when cancer was first found

Being so many years ago, feels like I won some kind of prize

Thinking about how it is that I’m still here, is beyond profound

But if it was a prize, it’s both joyful and sad

Joyful, well, because I am still here

Sad because there’s just so many (amazing) women who died from the same disease, which makes me so mad!

It’s something that I have been conflicted about with each passing year

My love and appreciation for making it all these years

Is mixed with hurt and sorrow

To hear of another grandmother, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, wife, friend dying of ovarian cancer brings me to tears

Knowing I’m living and thriving while they have not been given another tomorrow

How could I not be torn about it?

Part of me has an attitude of gratitude

While the other part has sadness for those who simply aren’t here anymore, because of this shit!

Please do not think this is merely some platitude

I disdain the existence of all cancers, but ovarian cancer the most

All these years later and YET still so many dying

That’s why I do what I can to spread awareness beyond some Facebook post

My part may be little, but as long as I’m still living, I will keep on trying

Trying to make a difference with advocacy

This is one of the ways I celebrate still being around

Being a voice for the voiceless not frantically but ravenously

Trust me I’m not in it for me… no desire to astound

I truly just want to help while I’m still here and able to

It’s been thirteen years since cancer was (first) found and removed

Even though it came back twice, God’s continued to get me through

God’s always the reason despite all the pain these years have brought to never let me be consumed

Consumed with anger or bitterness

Nay, that’s not me, for my name is Hope

HOPE is optimism that gives me strength to overcome any emotional fragileness

HOPE that’s embedded in my soul… and is how I have always been able to cope

I have said this before and it’s no different today

I don’t know why I’m still alive through three cancer diagnosis

I’ve heard it said “that if you are still breathing there’s still a reason”, which I feel is not just some cliché

No matter the reason or for how many seasons I have left, I’ll do my best to live with meaning and with focus

To try to contribute good in this world remembering that I’m not perfect

To keep moving forward even if the pace isn’t as it used to be

With hoping and praying whatever it is I do will always have a positive effect

To enjoy the little things like a great cup of coffee or sips from good tea

To surround myself with the things that give me peace

To be patient, loving and kind

To appreciate my family and friends (and cat) cause they are what contributes to my peace

To remember to breathe and take it one day at a time as those things give me peace of mind

On this December 15 I celebrate my (first and maybe most important) cancerversary

For although God got me through the other two

It was the first that was probably the worst and hardest of them all… with the seriously intense surgery

And the brutal chemo too

It is this date that I remember more than any other

It is this date that I celebrate with deep adoration

Not for having gotten cancer, but for God being my strength in helping me recover

In ways that quite frankly go beyond my comprehension

Cheers to Thirteen Years!

Written by: Hope Aguilar

Written on: December 14th, 2024

Dec 22, 2024

3 min read





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