I’m writing about this 21 year old athlete. Her name is Sha’Carri Richardson. She was headed to the Tokyo Olympics and was sure to pick up some gold medals. But something happened. She smoked marijuana and because of that was suspended from participating in sports for one month.
Now, I don’t partake in cannabis, but truthfully don’t see the use of it as bad either. That said, I think athletes should be held to higher standards. Same for cops. Same for those in the medical profession. Same for teachers. And same for those in the military. But that’s just me. ✌🏾
What I love about this young gal is that she owed up to what happened. She didn’t make excuses. She didn’t let her disappointment lash out and blame others. She said “I am human.” (See article attached.)
And she is. We are human. We are imperfect. We have and will make mistakes. Mistakes that have consequences. She knows this. And she took to social media as well as spoke about it in an interview on Good Morning America to take full responsibility. That might seem like the right thing to do but honestly I feel today it is not as common as it should be.
Bravo to her. For what? For being transparent and being a role model to other athletes, aspiring athletes, and to people in general.
I can’t wait to see the awesome stuff she’ll achieve as she puts this behind her and moves forward.
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